Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。现任巴基斯坦国立科技大学中国研究中心副主任。巴基斯坦驻中国大使馆原科技参赞。泽米尔生于1962年3月1日,80年代在中国留过学。在上海大学获得学士与硕士学位,机械专业。
Editor's notes:the author is Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor,Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization),National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
Japan has decidednot to join the United States, Britain, and others in issuing a statementscolding China for imposing a new security law, Kyodo news agency reported onJune 7, 2020 (Sunday), citing officials from countries involved. The UnitedKingdom, the U.S., Australia, and Canada condemned China on May 28 for imposinga law that they said would threaten freedom and breach a 1984 Sino-Britishagreement on the autonomy of the former colony.
Japan made a wisedecision and appreciated widely. Japan is a neighbor of China and can notafford rivalry, although Japan is a close ally with the U.S. and partners inIndo-Pacific Treaty but wanted to reduce tension. Japanese decision will enablestability, and smooth development of not only China and Japan but will help thewhole region.
Situated on thesoutheast coast of China, Hong Kong's strategic location on the Pearl RiverDelta and the South China Sea has made it one of the World's most thriving andcosmopolitan cities. Hong Kong was part of China, but after the First Opium Warin 1842, ceded to Britain. From its earliest days as a British colony, HongKong served as a center of international trade. Being a free-port, it became aneconomic, commercial, and industrial hub for the whole region. Services Industry and tourism boosted exponentially.
Under theprinciple of 'One Country, Two Systems,' Hong Kong became a SpecialAdministrative Region of the People's Republic of China on July 1, 1997, as aresult of lengthy negotiations between China & Britain, in 1984, signed the Sino–British JointDeclaration on the future of Hong Kong. This arrangement allows the city toenjoy a high degree of autonomy, including retaining its capitalist system, anindependent judiciary, and the rule of law, free trade, and freedom of speech.However, Defense, foreign policy, and some of the other important sectors werebeing looked after by China.
I use to travel toHong Kong in the 1980s when I was a student in China and still recall thosememorable days. It was one of the most prosperous places in this part of theWorld. Being a free port, Hong Kong was the hub of commercial activities;transit trade was a routine matter. For the light industry, especially theelectronics industry, Toys, Garments, Foot-wear, Hong Kong was the ideal place, as it requiresa little space to set it up. The small and medium-sized industries wereflourishing, while import and export business was a significant contributor tothe economy. The services sector was excellent and playing a vital role in thedomestic economy.
My visits to HongKong were always comfortable, and I did enjoy each one of my trips in the1980s. People of Hong Kong were friendly and polite. The people focused ontheir job, business, and how to create wealth. They were not interested inpolitics and were much more interested in making money. Money making was theirfavorite hobby, and hard work was their motto. They were honest in dealings andfair in business. Due to lack of space, Hong Kong was one of the most denselypopulated places in Asia, so people were much more accommodative and tolerantof each other. They enjoyed Western culture but keeping their Asian traditionsalive too. Overall it was a moderate, well-cultured society and prosper place.
I have also beento Hong Kong after its return to China during my diplomatic assignment in Beijing,China. I noticed that prosperity was intact, law and order were well managed,business activities were running smoothly. It seemed the people were quitesatisfied. Of course, I noticed improved infrastructure, more cleanliness, etc.But overall, the society was calm as usual. I do not remember any incident ofunhappiness, dissatisfaction, or rebellious thoughts. My last visit was in2014, but I could not predict any trouble.
Therefore, thecurrent unrest in Hong Kong is beyond my understanding. It is not uncommon tosee a small group of people protesting against specific policies. We see thisfrequently in Pakistan and many other parts of the World as a routine matter.There are always discussions between protesters and officials. After meetingthe few demands of protesters, the government always disperses the protesters,and the issues are settled without any ill-feelings from either side. It neverhappens that all demands of the protesters are genuine and must be met. Thereare always compromises between the authorities and protesters.
In the case of thecurrent crisis in Hong Kong, even afterthe government agreed to meet the protesters' original demands, thedemonstrators, instead of calming down, began raising more demands. It is veryeasy for a government of any country to use force and disperse the protesters,and it has been happening in many parts of the World. But the Chinesegovernment has maintained restrain and patience and has not used force. On theother hand, it is against the temperament of Hong Kong people to prolong suchprotests for so long. They are damaging the Hong Kong economy, routine life,and disturbing the peace-loving residents.
How have protestsgone on for so long, and sustained for such a long period? The reader knows theanswer. There is sufficient evidence of foreign hands and backing; no one candeny them. China's declared policy is peace and stability; it is also part oftheir long term strategy, to not to involve in any conflicts or wars. Chinawanted to focus all of its energies only on its economic and socialdevelopments. China kept its eyes closed, or over-looked on some of thedisputes, to put them on back burners, just to move forward with its vision ofpeace-full developments. The World has recognized the peace-full rise of Chinaand usually referred to as a role model in developing countries.
Honk Kong is vitalfor the further development of China and already contributing a positive role.China never wanted to destabilize Hong Kong. China wanted to make Hong Kongmore prosperous and stable, as it did with Macao. China has set up a model ofMaco already and wanted to make Hong Kong another model. It will lead towardthe reunification of Taiwan.
China observedconsiderable constraints and patience in the case of Hong Kong, but the foreignhands are not allowing to settle the crisis. They are adding fuel to the fire,funding a few trouble makers, and instigating them for damaging the peace,stability, and prosperity of Hong Kong. Under no other choice, China has tointroduce new laws to curb on foreign interference. China has no plans tochange the status of Hong Kong; it is not in their interests. The newlegislation will not change the status of Hong Kong, and will not harm thelocals at all. It will only limit the foreign interference.
Some of thecountries wanted to contain China, resist China's rise, and harm China, areexploiting Hong Kong issues to make China bleed. Enemies!
It is believedChina has already surpassed that threshold where any country can coerce China.Foreign Powers must understand, such exercise will be futile and ineffective.China possesses the capacity to handle its domestic issues rationally andcalmly. Hong Kong will prosper! Hong Kong will have a bright future!